I. IDENTIFICATION - The Website (the "Website", also accessible via is edited by REPÉRAGE, SAS of 45 734.71share capital, registered atthe Register of Companies of Montargis under the Siret number 333 615 078 00016 and its head office is located 1, route de Pers, 45210 Chevry-sous-Le-Bignon (France). The CEO of REPÉRAGE is M. Jean-Jacques ANNAUD, who is also the director of this Website. The Website hosting is provided by the XINIUS company, the head office of which is located 11, rue des Réservoirs, 78510 Triel-sur-Seine, France, phone number: 0033139704845. The access to the Website as well as the use of its contents are made within the parameters of the notices of use described below. Accessing and navigating the Website implies the unconditional acceptance of the following guidelines by the Internet user.

II. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - 2.1 Tenure - The domain name of the Website is the property of REPÉRAGE. The Website in general as well as the elements which compose it (in particular, but not limited to: texts, arborescences, software, animations, photos, videos, illustrations, plans, graphical representations, logos, etc.) constitutintellectual works protected by articles L. 111-1 and following ones of the French Code of intellectual property. The original texts and the photos presented on this website are the exclusive property of REPÉRAGE, who is the only one authorized to use the aforementioned intellectual property rights and personality rights and those relative to it (brands, models, intellectual works, software, databases, the images of people) in direct title or by the effect of a license or an express authorization. 2.2 Penalties - The use of all or part of the Website, in particular by download, reproduction, transmission, representation or broadcasting in other purposes but for personal use in a non-commercial purpose is strictly forbidden. The violation of the rights of REPÉRAGE exposes the perpetratorto legal penalties asruled by the intellectual property Code, and in particular in regards toc opyright (article L. 335-1 and following ones) of brands law and rights (article L. 716-1 and following ones) and by the Civil Code regarding civil liability (article 9, articles 1382 and following ones). 2.3 Hypertext links - The creation of any hypertext links dismissing any web pages or elements composing the Website is forbidden, except with a written authorization and prerequisite of REPÉRAGE, which authorization can be dismissed at any time. All sites with hypertext links managing towards the Website or any elements of its composition are not under the control of REPÉRAGE which consequently disclaims all liability (notably editorial) concerning the access and the contents to these sites.

III. RESPONSIBILITY - REPÉRAGE tries its best to insure the accuracy and the update of the information published on the Webite and has the right to correct its contents, at any time and without advance notice. However, REPÉRAGE cannot guarantee the accuracy, the precision and the exhaustiveness of the information on this Website, as this information is not establishing either a guarantee or a commitment on behalf of REPÉRAGE towards the Internet user. In particular, REPÉRAGE cannotbe held responsible forany imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning information available on the Website; orany damage resulting from an IT intrusion of anyone having madea modification of the information presented on the Website; and more generally, of any damage, direct or indirect, andwhatever the causes, the origins, the natures and the consequences, sufferedby anyone accessing the Website or because of the impossibility to reach it, as well as inthe use of the Website and/or the credit given in any information resulting directly or indirectly from the latter. REPÉRAGE implements means intended to assure the safety of files established from the personal data collected on the Website. It is however reminded that REPÉRAGE does not master the risks bound to the functioning of the Internet and draws the attention of the Internet users to the existence of possible risks in term of data privacy passing in transit via this network.

IV. NOTICE MODIFICATIONS - REPÉRAGE informs the Internet users consulting the Website that these Terms of Use can be modified at any time. Possible modifications are published and therefore considered accepted without reserve by every Internet user who accesses the Website after their publishing.

 V. DISPUTES - These Terms of Use are established in accordance with the French law and in particular with the statutory provisions n°2004-575 of June 21st, 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy and of the law n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978 concerning information technology and computers, files and liberties. The French jurisdictions are territorially competent forany dispute relative to the use of the Website, except as otherwise provided by the Regulation n°44/2001 of December 20th, 2000 on the judicial competence and the execution of the decisions in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I). For any further question that the Internet user could have on the use of the Website and/or on this notice, or for any request which he or she could wish to send on this matter, he or shecan send an e-mail to the following address:

 Updated 01/10/2018 09:00